Decline in Value
6130 Elton Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89107
ph: 702 820 2799
fax: 702 820 2796
Contact us and make sure you get the best reduction possible!
The Wall Street Journal Online - Real Estate
Decline in Value
Agency Agreement
Fee Agreement
California Property Information ON LINE!
Alameda County Assessment Information
Santa Clara
Santa Clara County Home Page
San Jose Mercury News
Listing of California County Assessors-Property Tax Department
California State Board of Equalization
California Property Owners Will Need to Fight!
Why? The California Consumer Price Index (California CPI) has increased over last year by over 1%.
The State of California Revenue and Taxation Code directs County Assessor’s to use the California Consumer Price Index to determine adjusted base year property values.
As we have stated for the last 17 years, each property is unique and the mass appraisal model may not reflect the current market value of your specific property, as defined by the Revenue and Taxation Code.
Many times the California CPI goes up, and your specific property value goes down. This appears to be the rule rather than the exception this year.
We will evaluate your specific property, and we will also give you our recommendation free of charge.
We have NEVER charged and upfront fee for our services. And we never will.
Or, you could simply pay the taxes and do nothing.
However, since you WILL pay the taxes in any event, why not do something?
Contact us. If we cannot get you a refund or a reduction on your taxes there is no charge.
Decline in Value and DECLINE-IN-VALUE, INC are private entities and
are not affiliated with any State, County or Local government agencies.
DECLINE-IN-VALUE, INC. All rights reserved.
Decline in Value
6130 Elton Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89107
ph: 702 820 2799
fax: 702 820 2796